Monthly Archive: June, 2014

Work Shirts, Buttons, and Eve

I pulled a load of Jesse’s work shirts out of the dryer this morning. I headed for the couch to toss them on, and go about my morning. Milliseconds before the load was… Continue reading

School’s Out… WooHoo!

Nothing shouts “HAPPY KIDS!” like the start of Summer break. I’m pretty sure Phoenix was smiling before her eyes even opened, and she got up far earlier than normal. After school, Ayden came gallivanting… Continue reading

Project Dad’s Porch

I have a thing for pallets. I get as excited about them as my kids do for Christmas morning. With that being said, I haven’t really done much with them other than ooh… Continue reading

Dad Dad Daddio…

Gold velvetee couch, an orange door, a homemade basketball hoop, a gravel driveway. A yellow banana seat bike, fishing on Salmon Creek. Crying when you beat the poor trout’s head on a rock.… Continue reading

Monday Morning… Here Already??

Monday mornings, toughest of all. How I wish for longer weekends, whether Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall. Why does Saturday fly by so fast? Why must Sunday now be in the past? Cinnamon… Continue reading

First Favorite Fridays…Thankfulness

I am not a ‘favorites’ kind of person. It seems I always have more than one favorite thing in any given subject. Maybe it is because I am a Libra. Maybe I’m just… Continue reading

Abby… Guest Contributor YOU Don’t Want to Miss!

One thing hardly anyone knows about me is that I was born a puppy. A fluffy, black, curly-haired puppy. Big brown eyes, and all that puppies are made of. The day started out… Continue reading

The Dump & A Soap Box

There’s nothing quite like a weekend trip to the dump. I don’t know how we (or should I say, Jesse the Hubster) collects so much junk! The foul smell of rotting garbage is… Continue reading